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The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure is a 10 cm chibi PVC figurine with movable joints and faceplates, featuring spiky black hair, black armor, a cape, and a large sword. It stands on a clear display base with an intense expression perfect for any anime collection.
This Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure features a chibi-style warrior with spiky black hair, dark armor, and a stern expression. It includes movable joints and faceplates while clutching a large sword; perfect for any collection. Enjoy front, side, and back views on a clear stand.
The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure is a 10 cm chibi PVC figurine featuring movable joints and faceplates. This figure includes Guts with spiky black hair, sleek outfit, and cape, holding a two-handed sword on a clear stand—an ideal addition to any anime collection.
The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure, a 10 cm chibi PVC figurine, features spiky black hair, dark armor, and a black cape. With movable joints and faceplates, it wields a large sword with an intense expression. A must-have for any anime collection.
The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure is a chibi-style PVC figurine featuring spiky black hair, a stern look with one eye closed, and movable joints. It dons a black cloak and armor while holding a sword on its shoulder, standing on a clear base—perfect for any anime figure collection.


狂熱的膽量nendoroid動作圖 - 帶有可移動接頭和麵板的赤壁PVC雕像,10厘米

$576.00 TWD
$779.00 TWD
$576.00 TWD
船運 在結帳時計算。
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帶回家傳奇 狂戰士 這個可愛但詳細的戰士 膽量nendoroid動作圖。特色 赤壁風格 設計,這個高度清晰的人物在他的標誌性盔甲中展示了膽量,並帶有黑色斗篷和他的簽名劍。和 可移動關節,該圖可以以各種動感的姿態構成,使其成為任何人的完美補充 動漫人物 收藏。這個可收集的nendoroid也包括 可互換的面板,讓您從中重新創建膽量的標誌性表達 狂戰士,從他猛烈的眩光到他堅定的戰鬥就緒外觀。

高質量的PVC,這個10厘米的人物是角色的動態表示,為收藏家提供了可愛和猛烈性的完美融合。這 詳細的盔甲尖刺的頭髮 捕獲膽量的本質,而易於餐廳的設計為您的顯示器增添了嬉戲的觸感。無論您是長期的粉絲 狂戰士 或愛人 nendoroid數字,這種收藏品肯定會留下深刻的印象。


  • 材料:Premium PVC
  • 重量:184G
  • 高度:10厘米
  • 包裝盒尺寸:13.5 x 9 x 17.5厘米
  • 特徵:可移動關節,可自定義表達式的可互換面板

非常適合粉絲 狂戰士, 這 膽量nendoroid 動作圖結合了 赤壁可愛 憑藉戰士的力量,使其成為任何動漫人物收藏的絕佳補充。




美國和加拿大 10-15個工作日
德國 & 英國 5-12個工作日
歐洲 7-15個工作日
亞太地區 8-15工作日
澳大利亞 8-15工作日
俄羅斯 10-16工作日








    未收回商品:如果您尚未在指定的時間範圍內收到訂單,我們將退款。 (請注意,如果跟踪顯示交貨,我們可能需要使用運營商驗證。)




      The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure is a 10 cm chibi PVC figurine with movable joints and faceplates, featuring spiky black hair, black armor, a cape, and a large sword. It stands on a clear display base with an intense expression perfect for any anime collection.
      This Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure features a chibi-style warrior with spiky black hair, dark armor, and a stern expression. It includes movable joints and faceplates while clutching a large sword; perfect for any collection. Enjoy front, side, and back views on a clear stand.
      The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure is a 10 cm chibi PVC figurine featuring movable joints and faceplates. This figure includes Guts with spiky black hair, sleek outfit, and cape, holding a two-handed sword on a clear stand—an ideal addition to any anime collection.
      The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure, a 10 cm chibi PVC figurine, features spiky black hair, dark armor, and a black cape. With movable joints and faceplates, it wields a large sword with an intense expression. A must-have for any anime collection.
      The Berserk Guts Nendoroid Action Figure is a chibi-style PVC figurine featuring spiky black hair, a stern look with one eye closed, and movable joints. It dons a black cloak and armor while holding a sword on its shoulder, standing on a clear base—perfect for any anime figure collection.