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This Spy × Family collectible features Anya Forger with pink hair in a yellow school uniform over a brown dress, sitting with legs spread and pointing upward. She has large green eyes and a squinting expression.
The Anya Forger in Yellow School Uniform - Interchangeable Face PVC Anime Figure from the Spy × Family brand showcases her with pink hair, large green eyes, and a playful pose in a yellow jacket and black dress. Another face option features her smiling with closed eyes, perfect for your collection.
The Anya Forger figure, a Spy × Family collectible, depicts the beloved animated character with pink hair and star-shaped eyes in a yellow school uniform, seated on the ground with one arm raised. This PVC anime figure includes an interchangeable face, making it essential for anime fans.
This adorable Anya Forger in Yellow School Uniform PVC figure from the Spy × Family series showcases a pink-haired character in a yellow jacket and brown skirt, seated with a smile and one arm raised against a black backdrop—an essential for anime collectibles enthusiasts.
Explore the Anya Forger figure from "Spy × Family," featuring her in a yellow school uniform with interchangeable face. This vibrant collectible comes seated in a display box with Japanese text, making it an ideal addition for any anime fan&
This Anya Forger in Yellow School Uniform figure from Spy × Family features the iconic character with pink hair, green eyes, and a brown dress. Sitting cross-legged and joyfully raising a finger, this interchangeable face PVC anime figure is essential for any fan&

Spy × Family

Anya Forger穿著黃色校服 - 可互換的臉PVC動漫人物

$441.00 TWD
$610.00 TWD
$441.00 TWD
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這很愉快 安雅·福格(Anya Forger)間諜X家庭 捕捉她的標誌性嬉戲和充滿活力的本性。安雅(Anya)坐著舒適地穿著她的黃色校服,並被描繪成興奮地指著,準備好進行前面的冒險。與 高度為10.5厘米重量為159克, 這 PVC收藏 圖以高質量的工藝為特色,使安娜的個性栩栩如生。

這個數字隨附 可互換的面孔,讓您展示Anya的甜美笑容或調皮的表情,使您可以自由定制她的外觀以適合您的風格。無論您是粉絲 間諜X家庭 或者只是喜歡可愛而有趣的動漫收藏品,這個數字為您的收藏提供了完美的補充。

盒子大小13x7.5x13 cm 總重量為 159克,這個數字易於在您的收藏中顯示。每個數字都可以安全地包裝以確保安全交付。


  • 材料: PVC
  • 高度:10.5厘米
  • 重量:159g
  • 可互換的面孔: 是的
  • 包裝:顏色盒 +水泡
  • 盒子大小:13 x 7.5 x 13厘米



美國和加拿大 10-15個工作日
德國 & 英國 5-12個工作日
歐洲 7-15個工作日
亞太地區 8-15工作日
澳大利亞 8-15工作日
俄羅斯 10-16工作日








    未收回商品:如果您尚未在指定的時間範圍內收到訂單,我們將退款。 (請注意,如果跟踪顯示交貨,我們可能需要使用運營商驗證。)




      This Spy × Family collectible features Anya Forger with pink hair in a yellow school uniform over a brown dress, sitting with legs spread and pointing upward. She has large green eyes and a squinting expression.
      The Anya Forger in Yellow School Uniform - Interchangeable Face PVC Anime Figure from the Spy × Family brand showcases her with pink hair, large green eyes, and a playful pose in a yellow jacket and black dress. Another face option features her smiling with closed eyes, perfect for your collection.
      The Anya Forger figure, a Spy × Family collectible, depicts the beloved animated character with pink hair and star-shaped eyes in a yellow school uniform, seated on the ground with one arm raised. This PVC anime figure includes an interchangeable face, making it essential for anime fans.
      This adorable Anya Forger in Yellow School Uniform PVC figure from the Spy × Family series showcases a pink-haired character in a yellow jacket and brown skirt, seated with a smile and one arm raised against a black backdrop—an essential for anime collectibles enthusiasts.
      Explore the Anya Forger figure from "Spy × Family," featuring her in a yellow school uniform with interchangeable face. This vibrant collectible comes seated in a display box with Japanese text, making it an ideal addition for any anime fan&
      This Anya Forger in Yellow School Uniform figure from Spy × Family features the iconic character with pink hair, green eyes, and a brown dress. Sitting cross-legged and joyfully raising a finger, this interchangeable face PVC anime figure is essential for any fan&