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The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure features a muscular character with purple spiky hair standing on rocky terrain, holding glowing energy surrounded by pink and blue energy spikes. The 35cm statue&
The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure – Dragon Ball features a 35cm glowing action statue with spiky purple hair and blue eyes, standing on a rocky base with colorful energy effects, tan pants, and a blue belt. The "Dragon Ball" logo is displayed on the base.
The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct collectible figure (35cm) is a glowing action statue featuring a shirtless, muscular character with spiky blue and purple hair, set against a backdrop of colorful, jagged crystal-like structures.
A vibrant Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct collectible figure stands 35cm tall with spiky purple hair, luminous energy aura, and an outstretched hand. The base reads "Dragon Ball.
The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure (35cm) features a detailed statue of Goku in his Dragon Ball Super orange outfit, standing on a rocky base with flames, surrounded by translucent glowing purple energy effects that create a dramatic effect.
Close-up of a Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure, 35cm, showcasing muscular features in a blue and beige outfit. He stands before a vibrant backdrop with blue, pink, and purple hues resembling energy or crystals.
The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure stands 35cm tall on a rocky base with glowing energy waves in pink, blue, and purple. His spiky hair and orange pants echo his Dragon Ball Super look.
The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure – Dragon Ball is a 35cm glowing statue featuring a spiky-haired anime character standing amid colorful translucent flames, illuminated in purple and red. This shirtless, muscular figure resembles Goku wearing loose pants.
A close-up of Seakoff&

Dragon Ball Z

Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible人物 - 七龍珠,35厘米,發光動作雕像

$4,018.00 TWD
$6,010.00 TWD
$4,018.00 TWD
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用這個驚人的 悟空超級本能 收集的數字 七龍珠超級呢站在 35厘米(13.8英寸) 高個子,這個數字以他的標誌性超直覺形式捕捉了悟空,這種力量超出了所有期望。該人物具有充滿活力和發光的能量效果,使悟空的強烈光環和令人難以置信的戰鬥態度栩栩如生。非常適合任何人 七龍珠 扇形或收藏家,這個發光的人物在他的頂峰上展示了悟空,這使其成為您收藏的必備品。


  • 高度:35厘米(13.8英寸),一個引人注目的動態尺寸
  • 超直覺姿勢:悟空以他凶猛的超直覺形式描繪,展示了他為戰鬥做準備的強大而堅定的表情
  • 發光效果:人物的基礎和光環亮起,為您的收藏增添了動態和令人嘆為觀止的光芒,複製了超直覺的能量
  • 工藝:用詳細的紋理和顏色手繪,該圖突出顯示了悟空的肌肉體質,頭髮細節和標誌性的戰鬥立場
  • 材料:由耐用的高質量材料製成,以確保持久的收藏品
  • 根據:該圖帶有一個堅固的基礎,可增強其穩定性 七龍珠 前面有徽標
  • 包裝:該數字出現在帶有充滿活力的藝術品的醒目盒子中,非常適合希望保持原始狀態的收藏家

為什麼您應該購買此Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible:

  • 標誌性力量:Ultra Instinct Goku是最有力,最受歡迎的形式之一 七龍珠超級,這個數字完美地捕捉了他的力量和優雅
  • 發光效果:發光的基礎和光環添加了獨特的,引人注目的功能,使該人物在任何集合中都脫穎而出
  • 非常適合展示:無論是在您的客廳,辦公室還是專門的動漫空間,這個數字都會引起注意和敬畏
  • 很棒的禮物:這個數字是適合的理想禮物 七龍珠超級 粉絲,動漫收藏家和動作人物愛好者
  • 令人難以置信的細節:從悟空的頭髮的質地到發光的能量效果,這個人物的精心關注細節,使其成為非凡的收藏品



美國和加拿大 10-15個工作日
德國 & 英國 5-12個工作日
歐洲 7-15個工作日
亞太地區 8-15工作日
澳大利亞 8-15工作日
俄羅斯 10-16工作日








    未收回商品:如果您尚未在指定的時間範圍內收到訂單,我們將退款。 (請注意,如果跟踪顯示交貨,我們可能需要使用運營商驗證。)




      The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure features a muscular character with purple spiky hair standing on rocky terrain, holding glowing energy surrounded by pink and blue energy spikes. The 35cm statue&
      The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure – Dragon Ball features a 35cm glowing action statue with spiky purple hair and blue eyes, standing on a rocky base with colorful energy effects, tan pants, and a blue belt. The "Dragon Ball" logo is displayed on the base.
      The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct collectible figure (35cm) is a glowing action statue featuring a shirtless, muscular character with spiky blue and purple hair, set against a backdrop of colorful, jagged crystal-like structures.
      A vibrant Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct collectible figure stands 35cm tall with spiky purple hair, luminous energy aura, and an outstretched hand. The base reads "Dragon Ball.
      The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure (35cm) features a detailed statue of Goku in his Dragon Ball Super orange outfit, standing on a rocky base with flames, surrounded by translucent glowing purple energy effects that create a dramatic effect.
      Close-up of a Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure, 35cm, showcasing muscular features in a blue and beige outfit. He stands before a vibrant backdrop with blue, pink, and purple hues resembling energy or crystals.
      The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure stands 35cm tall on a rocky base with glowing energy waves in pink, blue, and purple. His spiky hair and orange pants echo his Dragon Ball Super look.
      The Seakoff Goku Ultra Instinct Collectible Figure – Dragon Ball is a 35cm glowing statue featuring a spiky-haired anime character standing amid colorful translucent flames, illuminated in purple and red. This shirtless, muscular figure resembles Goku wearing loose pants.
      A close-up of Seakoff&