1 8
A person wearing the Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key zipper and the Scout Regiment logo, a blue cap, holding a book, and looking to the side.
A person in a navy cap and gray Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt stands against a light background. The sweatshirt showcases an embroidered Scout Regiment logo on the chest and Eren&
A person in a dark cap, gray Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key Zipper and Scout Regiment Logo, and dark pants holds a large blue SLAMBLE bag against a plain backdrop for a minimalist look.
Against a plain backdrop, someone sports a navy cap and the Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key zipper and Scout Regiment logo, paired with a white undershirt and dark pants.
The individual wears a Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key Zipper and the Scout Regiment Logo, paired with a white undershirt and navy pants. A navy baseball cap with a white logo completes the look against a plain white backdrop.
A person wearing an Attack on Titan Limited Edition Half-Zip Sweatshirt with Eren&
Wearing a Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt with Eren’s key zipper and the Scout Regiment logo, they sport a dark blue cap and backpack, channeling the adventurous spirit of "Attack on Titan.
A young person wears a navy cap with the Attack on Titan Limited Edition Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring the Scout Regiment logo and Eren’s Key Zipper pull, layered over a crisp white shirt against a plain background.

Attack on Titan

限量版攻擊泰坦半拉鍊運動衫 - 埃倫的關鍵拉鍊,偵察團徽標

3 總評論

$1,016.00 TWD
$2,032.00 TWD
$1,016.00 TWD
船運 在結帳時計算。
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擁抱精神 偵察團 與此 限量版攻擊泰坦半拉鍊運動衫,完美的動漫靈感和街頭服裝時尚。這款運動衫專為喜歡微妙而強大細節的粉絲而設計, 偵察團的自由徽標之翼 繡在胸部,象徵著勇氣和爭取自由的鬥爭。

設計的核心是 Eren Yeager啟發的密鑰拉鍊拉,直接點頭鎖定在Yeager家族地下室中的秘密 - 一個關鍵的元素 攻擊泰坦 故事情節。這個標誌性的細節將動漫的敘述帶入了生活,這是真正粉絲的必備品。

用一個 高級棉花和40%聚酯的高級混合物,這款運動衫提供無與倫比的舒適性,耐用性和溫暖。極簡的設計以泥土色調提升,包括 棕色,黑色和灰色選擇,非常適合多功能樣式。無論您是為戶外冒險而分層還是隨便穿它,這款運動衫都可以確保時尚,靈感的外觀。


  • 獨家Eren的鑰匙拉鍊:一種象徵性的觸摸,與泰坦故事的攻擊核心有關。
  • 偵察團徽標:用高清縫線刺繡在胸部。
  • 泥土色的選擇:有棕色,黑色和灰色可供多功能,低調的風格。
  • 優質織物混合物:60%的棉花和40%聚酯纖維,以實現最終的舒適性和耐用性。
  • 半拉鍊設計:實用和時尚,用於現代街頭服裝美學。



美國和加拿大 10-15個工作日
德國 & 英國 5-12個工作日
歐洲 7-15個工作日
亞太地區 8-15工作日
澳大利亞 8-15工作日
俄羅斯 10-16工作日








    未收回商品:如果您尚未在指定的時間範圍內收到訂單,我們將退款。 (請注意,如果跟踪顯示交貨,我們可能需要使用運營商驗證。)




      A person wearing the Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key zipper and the Scout Regiment logo, a blue cap, holding a book, and looking to the side.
      A person in a navy cap and gray Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt stands against a light background. The sweatshirt showcases an embroidered Scout Regiment logo on the chest and Eren&
      A person in a dark cap, gray Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key Zipper and Scout Regiment Logo, and dark pants holds a large blue SLAMBLE bag against a plain backdrop for a minimalist look.
      Against a plain backdrop, someone sports a navy cap and the Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key zipper and Scout Regiment logo, paired with a white undershirt and dark pants.
      The individual wears a Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring Eren’s Key Zipper and the Scout Regiment Logo, paired with a white undershirt and navy pants. A navy baseball cap with a white logo completes the look against a plain white backdrop.
      A person wearing an Attack on Titan Limited Edition Half-Zip Sweatshirt with Eren&
      Wearing a Limited Edition Attack on Titan Half-Zip Sweatshirt with Eren’s key zipper and the Scout Regiment logo, they sport a dark blue cap and backpack, channeling the adventurous spirit of "Attack on Titan.
      A young person wears a navy cap with the Attack on Titan Limited Edition Half-Zip Sweatshirt featuring the Scout Regiment logo and Eren’s Key Zipper pull, layered over a crisp white shirt against a plain background.