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The Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie is a must-have for Danganronpa fans, boasting a split black-and-white design, a stylized bear face on the hood, and "KAKAZZY" on the front. The asymmetrical mischievous bear expression adds an edgy flair.
A person wears a large Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, a black and white zip-up featuring the iconic bear graphic, paired with star-patterned tights and black shoes. They pose against a light-colored wall—ideal for Danganronpa enthusiasts.
A Danganronpa fan wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie—an oversized black and white zip-up sweatshirt with a bear face and "MAD" text. Photographed with a fisheye lens, it shows circular distortion in the plain white room with windows.
A person sits on a bench wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white zip-up Danganronpa sweatshirt featuring a playful bear face and lettering. Paired with star-patterned tights, this anime hoodie stands out against the plain wall backdrop.
A person poses against a gray wall wearing Seakoff&
A person is wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white zip-up Danganronpa sweatshirt, with "KAKAZZY" text on the front. The gray tiled wall behind enhances the bold look, paired with black patterned tights.
A person wears the Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white zip-up sweatshirt featuring a bear face hood design, ideal for Danganronpa fans. The zip-up front splits into distinct halves with "Kakazy" boldly printed across it.
Indoors, someone wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie with ears on the hood, ideal for Danganronpa fans. The oversized black and white sweatshirt partially covers their face with one sleeve, paired with patterned leggings.
A person wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, a 400GSM oversized black and white zip-up Danganronpa sweatshirt. They stand against a gray wall, donning a black-gray beanie with pom-pom and sheer star-patterned tights, with their face partly covered, perfect for Danganronpa fans.
A person dons a Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie by Seakoff, featuring animal-like ears on the hood, standing against a gray backdrop. They accessorize with a black hat with white ears and star-patterned tights, creating a modern, minimalistic look appreciated by Danganronpa fans.
A Danganronpa fan wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, featuring a mischievous smile and red eye on the black half and "MAZZY" in textured letters, stands in a light gray room.
A person wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, featuring a smiling face and red eyes on the hood, poses with one hand up and the other on the hoodie. Against a plain background, this fisheye lens shot captivates Danganronpa fans.
A person dons a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized 400GSM black and white zip-up with a bear face on the hood. "Kavazy" is printed on the back. Ideal for Danganronpa fans, this fisheye lens image captures them in a minimalist room.
A person in a half-black, half-white Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, featuring a bear face on the hood, stands on one leg indoors near a metallic wall. The look is completed with black star-patterned tights and leg warmers, perfect for Danganronpa fans.
In a stylish room with a black couch and metal wall, someone is seen from behind wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie featuring bear ears, paired with star-patterned tights and mismatched knit leg warmers—a must-have for Danganronpa fans.
Someone in a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, a black and white oversized zip-up sweatshirt, stands indoors against a gray wall. They&
Facing away from the camera, a person wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white Danganronpa zip-up sweatshirt. They also don a black beanie with white horns, patterned tights, and boots with leg warmers in an indoor setting featuring a metallic wall and bench.
The Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie is a 400GSM oversized zip-up sweatshirt featuring a black and white bear face with a red eye, perfect for Danganronpa fans. "KARAKAZZY" is boldly printed on its fluffy fabric, embodying the popular anime hoodie style.
Close-up image of the Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie: The top section shows a ribbed cuff, similar to an anime zip-up hoodie, while the bottom section highlights a zipper with a black ribbed hem—ideal for Danganronpa enthusiasts.


Von Monokuma inspirierter Hoodie – Übergroßes Danganronpa-Sweatshirt in Schwarz und Weiß mit Reißverschluss, 400 g/m²

Regulärer Preis
€45,95 EUR
Regulärer Preis
€45,95 EUR
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Von Monokuma inspirierter Kapuzenpullover mit Reißverschluss für Danganronpa-Fans

Inspiriert von der Kultfigur Monokuma aus Danganronpa ist dieser schwarz-weiße Kapuzenpullover mit Reißverschluss die perfekte Wahl für Anime- und Spielefans. Mit Monokumas schelmischem halbweißem, halbschwarzem Gesicht ist dieser Hoodie ein Muss für jeden Fan der Serie.

Hochwertige 400 g/m²-Baumwolle für Komfort und Haltbarkeit.

Dieser Hoodie ist aus 400 g/m² Baumwolle gefertigt und bietet Wärme, Haltbarkeit und Komfort. Die plüschige Innenseite macht ihn perfekt für kühleres Wetter, egal ob Sie zu einer Anime-Convention gehen oder einfach nur Ihrer Alltagsgarderobe einen einzigartigen Stil verleihen möchten.

Übergroße Passform für einen entspannten, Anime-inspirierten Look

Die übergroße Passform sorgt für eine entspannte und bequeme Silhouette, ideal für Anime-Fans, die ihre Liebe zu Danganronpa zeigen und es dabei stilvoll und lässig halten möchten. Das auffällige schwarz-weiße Design lässt Sie garantiert auffallen.

Ikonische Monokuma-Gesichts- und Ohrendetails

Die Kapuze zeigt Monokumas charakteristisches Gesicht, komplett mit seinem roten, finsteren Auge auf der schwarzen Seite und einem verspielten Lächeln auf der weißen Seite. Die Ohrendetails auf der Kapuze verleihen eine lustige und unverwechselbare Note und fangen die Essenz dieser berüchtigten Figur ein.

Funktionelles Reißverschlussdesign mit geräumigen Taschen

Neben seinem einzigartigen Design bietet dieser Hoodie auch praktische Aspekte. Der durchgehende Reißverschluss erleichtert das Tragen, während die großen Vordertaschen Platz für wichtige Dinge oder zum Warmhalten der Hände bieten.

Versand & Lieferung


Wir wissen, dass Ihnen die pünktliche Lieferung Ihrer Einkäufe wichtig ist, und wir sind bestrebt, einen zuverlässigen und problemlosen Lieferservice anzubieten. Wir garantieren, dass alle Bestellungen innerhalb von 3 Werktagen nach dem Kauf bearbeitet und versandt werden. Unsere geschätzte Lieferzeit beträgt zwischen 7 und 15 Tagen, abhängig von Ihrem Standort und der Verfügbarkeit unserer Versandpartner.

USA & Kanada 10-15 Werktage
Deutschland & Großbritannien 5-12 Werktage
Europa 7-15 Werktage
Asien-Pazifik 8-15 Werktage
Australien 8-15 Werktage
Russland 10-16 Werktage


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    Wir bei seakoff möchten, dass Sie mit Ihrem Kauf rundum zufrieden sind. Hier sind unsere umfassenden Rückgabe- und Rückerstattungsrichtlinien:

    1. Rückgabefrist:

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    Qualitätsprobleme: Wenn Sie ein Produkt mit Qualitätsbedenken erhalten, wie etwa undeutlichen Aufdrucken, Verunreinigungen in der Kleidung oder Beschädigungen, übernehmen wir die Kosten der Rücksendung.
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    Unser Ziel ist es, Ihr Einkaufserlebnis bei seakoff so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie Fragen oder Bedenken zu unseren Rückgabe- und Rückerstattungsrichtlinien haben, wenden Sie sich bitte jederzeit an unser engagiertes Kundenserviceteam. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für seakoff entschieden haben!

      The Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie is a must-have for Danganronpa fans, boasting a split black-and-white design, a stylized bear face on the hood, and "KAKAZZY" on the front. The asymmetrical mischievous bear expression adds an edgy flair.
      A person wears a large Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, a black and white zip-up featuring the iconic bear graphic, paired with star-patterned tights and black shoes. They pose against a light-colored wall—ideal for Danganronpa enthusiasts.
      A Danganronpa fan wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie—an oversized black and white zip-up sweatshirt with a bear face and "MAD" text. Photographed with a fisheye lens, it shows circular distortion in the plain white room with windows.
      A person sits on a bench wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white zip-up Danganronpa sweatshirt featuring a playful bear face and lettering. Paired with star-patterned tights, this anime hoodie stands out against the plain wall backdrop.
      A person poses against a gray wall wearing Seakoff&
      A person is wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white zip-up Danganronpa sweatshirt, with "KAKAZZY" text on the front. The gray tiled wall behind enhances the bold look, paired with black patterned tights.
      A person wears the Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white zip-up sweatshirt featuring a bear face hood design, ideal for Danganronpa fans. The zip-up front splits into distinct halves with "Kakazy" boldly printed across it.
      Indoors, someone wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie with ears on the hood, ideal for Danganronpa fans. The oversized black and white sweatshirt partially covers their face with one sleeve, paired with patterned leggings.
      A person wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, a 400GSM oversized black and white zip-up Danganronpa sweatshirt. They stand against a gray wall, donning a black-gray beanie with pom-pom and sheer star-patterned tights, with their face partly covered, perfect for Danganronpa fans.
      A person dons a Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie by Seakoff, featuring animal-like ears on the hood, standing against a gray backdrop. They accessorize with a black hat with white ears and star-patterned tights, creating a modern, minimalistic look appreciated by Danganronpa fans.
      A Danganronpa fan wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, featuring a mischievous smile and red eye on the black half and "MAZZY" in textured letters, stands in a light gray room.
      A person wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, featuring a smiling face and red eyes on the hood, poses with one hand up and the other on the hoodie. Against a plain background, this fisheye lens shot captivates Danganronpa fans.
      A person dons a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized 400GSM black and white zip-up with a bear face on the hood. "Kavazy" is printed on the back. Ideal for Danganronpa fans, this fisheye lens image captures them in a minimalist room.
      A person in a half-black, half-white Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, featuring a bear face on the hood, stands on one leg indoors near a metallic wall. The look is completed with black star-patterned tights and leg warmers, perfect for Danganronpa fans.
      In a stylish room with a black couch and metal wall, someone is seen from behind wearing a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie featuring bear ears, paired with star-patterned tights and mismatched knit leg warmers—a must-have for Danganronpa fans.
      Someone in a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, a black and white oversized zip-up sweatshirt, stands indoors against a gray wall. They&
      Facing away from the camera, a person wears a Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie, an oversized black and white Danganronpa zip-up sweatshirt. They also don a black beanie with white horns, patterned tights, and boots with leg warmers in an indoor setting featuring a metallic wall and bench.
      The Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie is a 400GSM oversized zip-up sweatshirt featuring a black and white bear face with a red eye, perfect for Danganronpa fans. "KARAKAZZY" is boldly printed on its fluffy fabric, embodying the popular anime hoodie style.
      Close-up image of the Seakoff Monokuma-Inspired Hoodie: The top section shows a ribbed cuff, similar to an anime zip-up hoodie, while the bottom section highlights a zipper with a black ribbed hem—ideal for Danganronpa enthusiasts.