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The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure (37cm), a high-quality GK model, features Urogi with white hair and sunglasses in an action pose. It includes detailed fire and sword designs, stands on a base with flaming details and Japanese text, enhanced by USB light-up effects for added drama.
Presenting the Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure: a dynamic 37cm collectible featuring a silver-haired character with dual swords, flame-like effects, and ribbons. It stands on an explosive base adorned with Japanese text and includes USB light-up effects for added drama.
The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure by Demon Slayer is a 37cm high-quality GK model. It features dynamic anime-style design with white hair, headband, two swords, and fiery orange USB light-up effects on rocky terrain with Japanese text on the base.
The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a 37cm GK model, presents detailed silver hair, purple goggles, ornate arm bands, and a dark sleeveless top. Striking an action pose with a red sword and bandaged arms against a black backdrop, it features USB light-up effects for dramatic appeal.
A dynamic close-up of the Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure from Demon Slayer, a 37cm high-quality GK model. Featuring anime-style details, a key-like sword, USB light-up effects with orange flames and rocks underfoot, set against a plain black background to emphasize its dramatic pose.
The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a 37cm high-quality GK model by Demon Slayer, depicts a warrior with dual swords and fiery effects. It features intricate battle gear, flowing accessories, a black backdrop, and USB light-up effects for added drama.
The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure by Demon Slayer captures the character mid-leap with a sword and daggers among flame effects. Set on a rocky base with Chinese characters, it features white hair, a pink-jewel headband, and sleeveless outfit. USB light-up effects enhance its allure.
Explore the Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a dynamic 37cm GK model showcasing a white-haired character with fiery swords. Mid-air above an explosive effect, it features dark attire and bandaged arms. The rocky base is accentuated by USB light-up orange bursts for enhanced visual impact.
The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure is a 37cm GK model featuring USB light-up effects and intricate details, capturing Urogi mid-action with fiery weapons and an explosion effect. With white hair, dark clothing, and purple accents, it&
The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure (37cm) captures an armored character with white hair, dual-wielding fiery swords mid-action. The detailed GK model stands on a rocky base featuring USB light-up effects and Asian characters for added drama.
The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure is a 37cm high-quality GK model showcasing a fierce warrior in a dynamic pose, with white hair, pink eye gear, and flowing ribbons. This dark-outfitted figure features gold armbands, purple gloves, detailed fire and sword design, and USB light-up effects.
The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure stands 37cm tall, showcasing silver hair, red eyes, and two flaming swords. Dressed in a dark sleeveless outfit with forehead goggles and white ribbons against a black background, it features USB light-up effects for dramatic impact.
The Premium 37cm Seakoff Demon Slayer Urogi Figure features white hair, goggles, and dual swords. It showcases muscular arms in a sleeveless outfit with gold accents and purple gloves. Dynamically posed against a black backdrop, it includes stunning USB light-up effects.
The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure (37cm) features a high-quality GK model depicting Urogi in an action scene with a sword, surrounded by fiery explosions and rock debris. The intense orange flames are enhanced by USB light-up effects, adding drama to its mid-leap/attack pose.
The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a 37cm high-quality GK model, features a sword with swirling orange flames and gray rocks. Decked in green pants, purple wraps, and chains, its USB light-up effects electrify the black background for a stunning display.
The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure stands 37cm tall, featuring intricate eyewear and a dynamic pose with two swords. It has USB light-up effects, showcasing fiery details against a dark background. The figure highlights Urogi&

Demon Slayer

Premium Dämon Slayer Urogi Abbildung - 37 cm mit USB -Licht -Effekte - Hochwertiges GK -Modell mit detailliertem Feuer und Schwert Design

Regulärer Preis
€71,95 EUR
Regulärer Preis
€71,95 EUR
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Mit nach Hause bringen die actionpackten Urogi Figur von Dämon -Slayer! Das unglaublich 37 cm GK -Modell Merkmale Urogi, Die Obermonddämon mit einer auffälligsten Feuereffekt Und USB-Leuchtungseffekte. Erfassen Urogi In der wilden Energie zeigt diese Figur seinen mächtigen Schwertstreik, umgeben von dynamischen Flammen.

Gemacht aus Premium PVCDiese Figur ist akribisch aus ihm hergestellt Flammeneffekte zu ihm Wirbelnde Waffe auf Windbasis. Der USB-Licht Feature verbessert die feurige Kampfpose und macht dieses Modell zu einer perfekten Ergänzung für jeden Dämon -Slayer -Sammler.


  • Material: Hochwertig PVC
  • Höhe: 37 cm
  • Gewicht: Variiert
  • Beleuchtung: USB-Licht Effekte für dynamisches Feuer und Schwert Design
  • Base: Flammeneffekte und kompliziertes Schwertdetail
  • Verpackung: Farbbox + Blase
  • Boxabmessungen: 275 x 245 x 420 mm
  • Packungsmenge: 12 Figuren pro Box

Ein Muss für Sammler von Dämonen -Slayer -Figuren, UrogiDie bedrohliche Pose und die feurige Basis fällt in jedem Display auf. Verpassen Sie dies nicht detaillierte und qualitativ hochwertige Figur, perfekt für jeden Anime -Sammlung.

Versand & Lieferung


Wir wissen, dass Ihnen die pünktliche Lieferung Ihrer Einkäufe wichtig ist, und wir sind bestrebt, einen zuverlässigen und problemlosen Lieferservice anzubieten. Wir garantieren, dass alle Bestellungen innerhalb von 3 Werktagen nach dem Kauf bearbeitet und versandt werden. Unsere geschätzte Lieferzeit beträgt zwischen 7 und 15 Tagen, abhängig von Ihrem Standort und der Verfügbarkeit unserer Versandpartner.

USA & Kanada 10-15 Werktage
Deutschland & Großbritannien 5-12 Werktage
Europa 7-15 Werktage
Asien-Pazifik 8-15 Werktage
Australien 8-15 Werktage
Russland 10-16 Werktage


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    Unser Ziel ist es, Ihr Einkaufserlebnis bei seakoff so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie Fragen oder Bedenken zu unseren Rückgabe- und Rückerstattungsrichtlinien haben, wenden Sie sich bitte jederzeit an unser engagiertes Kundenserviceteam. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für seakoff entschieden haben!

      The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure (37cm), a high-quality GK model, features Urogi with white hair and sunglasses in an action pose. It includes detailed fire and sword designs, stands on a base with flaming details and Japanese text, enhanced by USB light-up effects for added drama.
      Presenting the Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure: a dynamic 37cm collectible featuring a silver-haired character with dual swords, flame-like effects, and ribbons. It stands on an explosive base adorned with Japanese text and includes USB light-up effects for added drama.
      The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure by Demon Slayer is a 37cm high-quality GK model. It features dynamic anime-style design with white hair, headband, two swords, and fiery orange USB light-up effects on rocky terrain with Japanese text on the base.
      The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a 37cm GK model, presents detailed silver hair, purple goggles, ornate arm bands, and a dark sleeveless top. Striking an action pose with a red sword and bandaged arms against a black backdrop, it features USB light-up effects for dramatic appeal.
      A dynamic close-up of the Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure from Demon Slayer, a 37cm high-quality GK model. Featuring anime-style details, a key-like sword, USB light-up effects with orange flames and rocks underfoot, set against a plain black background to emphasize its dramatic pose.
      The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a 37cm high-quality GK model by Demon Slayer, depicts a warrior with dual swords and fiery effects. It features intricate battle gear, flowing accessories, a black backdrop, and USB light-up effects for added drama.
      The Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure by Demon Slayer captures the character mid-leap with a sword and daggers among flame effects. Set on a rocky base with Chinese characters, it features white hair, a pink-jewel headband, and sleeveless outfit. USB light-up effects enhance its allure.
      Explore the Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a dynamic 37cm GK model showcasing a white-haired character with fiery swords. Mid-air above an explosive effect, it features dark attire and bandaged arms. The rocky base is accentuated by USB light-up orange bursts for enhanced visual impact.
      The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure is a 37cm GK model featuring USB light-up effects and intricate details, capturing Urogi mid-action with fiery weapons and an explosion effect. With white hair, dark clothing, and purple accents, it&
      The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure (37cm) captures an armored character with white hair, dual-wielding fiery swords mid-action. The detailed GK model stands on a rocky base featuring USB light-up effects and Asian characters for added drama.
      The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure is a 37cm high-quality GK model showcasing a fierce warrior in a dynamic pose, with white hair, pink eye gear, and flowing ribbons. This dark-outfitted figure features gold armbands, purple gloves, detailed fire and sword design, and USB light-up effects.
      The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure stands 37cm tall, showcasing silver hair, red eyes, and two flaming swords. Dressed in a dark sleeveless outfit with forehead goggles and white ribbons against a black background, it features USB light-up effects for dramatic impact.
      The Premium 37cm Seakoff Demon Slayer Urogi Figure features white hair, goggles, and dual swords. It showcases muscular arms in a sleeveless outfit with gold accents and purple gloves. Dynamically posed against a black backdrop, it includes stunning USB light-up effects.
      The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure (37cm) features a high-quality GK model depicting Urogi in an action scene with a sword, surrounded by fiery explosions and rock debris. The intense orange flames are enhanced by USB light-up effects, adding drama to its mid-leap/attack pose.
      The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure, a 37cm high-quality GK model, features a sword with swirling orange flames and gray rocks. Decked in green pants, purple wraps, and chains, its USB light-up effects electrify the black background for a stunning display.
      The Seakoff Premium Demon Slayer Urogi Figure stands 37cm tall, featuring intricate eyewear and a dynamic pose with two swords. It has USB light-up effects, showcasing fiery details against a dark background. The figure highlights Urogi&