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The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, 45cm from Dragon Ball Z, features interchangeable heads and glowing effects. It depicts Vegeta in a blue and white outfit with orange energy effects against a cosmic backdrop. Blue-haired piece and disembodied hands for transformations are included.
Three identical Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan figures, wearing blue and orange, feature glowing effects and a dynamic base. This 45cm Dragon Ball Z collectible has interchangeable heads and stands out brilliantly against any black background.
A black cardboard box features a dynamic abstract design with "LS" and Chinese characters, hinting at a Seakoff Dragon Ball Z collectible. It enhances the allure of the 45cm Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure with interchangeable heads and glowing effects.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure from Dragon Ball Z features a detailed blue and orange outfit. This 45cm figure includes interchangeable heads, glowing effects, and stands on an explosion-like base with flames, capturing Vegeta&
The Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure by Seakoff features his iconic spiky yellow hair, a dramatic blue outfit, and stands on a detailed base with orange energy effects. It includes interchangeable heads and glowing effects—a must-have 45cm Dragon Ball Z collectible.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure (45cm) features a muscular Vegeta in a blue outfit, spiky blond hair, and rocky base. With interchangeable heads and glowing effects, he stands amid an orange aura, arm extended for a blue energy attack—a must-have Dragon Ball Z piece.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, a 45cm Dragon Ball Z masterpiece, features interchangeable heads and glowing effects. Posed mid-air with spiky black hair and a blue outfit, it&
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure captures a muscular character with spiky black hair in a dynamic pose. Featuring interchangeable heads and glowing effects, the 45cm figure dons a blue suit, white boots, and stands on an intricately detailed base surrounded by flames and energy.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure (45cm) features interchangeable heads and glowing effects, depicting a Dragon Ball Z character with spiky yellow hair and green eyes, posed to attack with a blue energy blast.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, 45cm from Dragon Ball Z, features interchangeable heads and glowing effects. It depicts Vegeta with spiky black hair in a dynamically posed torn blue shirt and white gloves against a stark black background, capturing his Super Saiyan essence.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure from Dragon Ball Z showcases Vegeta in blue pants and white boots amid swirling translucent flames with epic glowing effects, accented by a metallic cannon against a black backdrop. This 45cm figure also features interchangeable heads.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure from Dragon Ball Z, standing 45cm tall, features dynamic posing in a blue outfit with muscular detailing and vibrant glowing energy effects. Interchangeable heads enhance this iconic figure set against a dark background.
The Seakoff&
A close-up of the Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure – Dragon Ball Z shows a muscular figure in a blue suit with dynamic yellow and orange glowing effects on the left arm, posed in an action stance. The 45cm figure features interchangeable heads and is set against a black background.
The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure captures a detailed leg in a textured blue suit with a tear, revealing inner details, surrounded by orange and yellow flame-like translucent plastic. The dark background highlights its glowing effects and transformation theme. Comes with interchangeable heads.
A blue-armored figure grips a metallic pipe in this dynamic Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, featuring 45cm height, interchangeable heads, and glowing effects with translucent orange and yellow flames that evoke Dragon Ball Z&

Dragon Ball Z

Vegeta Super Saiyajin sammelbare Figur - Dragon Ball Z, 45 cm, austauschbare Köpfe und leuchtende Effekte

Regulärer Preis
€183,95 EUR
Regulärer Preis
€183,95 EUR
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Entfesseln die Macht von Vegeta In seinen legendären Super Saiyajin -Transformationen mit dieser unglaublichen Sammelfigur von Dragon Ball Z. Stehst bei 45 cm (17,7 Zoll) Groß, diese Figur zeigt Vegeta in einer starken Pose, die bereit ist, seine Energie zu entfesseln. Die Figurenmerkmale Drei austauschbare Köpferepräsentieren Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Blue, Und Super Saiyaner Gott Transformationen. Komplett mit leuchtenden Effekten erweckt diese Figur die immense Kraft von Vegeta zum Leben und macht sie zu einer perfekten Ergänzung zu jedem Dragon Ball Z Sammlung.


  • Höhe: 45 cm (17,7 Zoll), eine auffällige und imposante Figur für Ihre Sammlung
  • Transformationen: Inklusive Drei austauschbare Köpferepräsentieren Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Blue, Und Super Saiyaner Gott
  • Leuchtende Effekte: Die Basis- und Energieelemente leuchten, die feurige Aura von Vegeta wiederholen und die Figur noch mehr hervorheben
  • Handwerkskunst: Handgemalt mit unglaublichen Details, vom muskulösen Gebäude von Vegeta bis hin zu den komplizierten Glüheffekten
  • Material: Hergestellt aus dauerhaften, hochwertigen Materialien, die lang anhaltende Freude sorgen
  • Base: Die Figur befindet
  • Verpackung: In einer auffälligen Box erhält

Warum sollten Sie dieses Vegeta Super Saiyajin -Sammlerstück kaufen:

  • Mehrere Transformationen: Die austauschbaren Köpfe ermöglichen es Ihnen, Vegeta in seinen leistungsstärksten Formen anzuzeigen und diese Figur zu einer vielseitigen Ergänzung Ihrer Sammlung zu machen
  • Beeindruckende Größe: Bei 45 cm ist diese Zahl groß genug, um eine mutige Aussage in jedem Regal oder Anzeige abzugeben
  • Glüheffekt: Die leuchtenden Elemente erwecken Vegetas starke Energie zum Leben und erzeugen eine dynamische Anzeige, die den Einfluss der Figur verbessert
  • Perfekt für die Anzeige: Ob auf einem Regal, einem Schreibtisch oder als Herzstück Ihrer Anime -Kollektion, diese Figur wird Aufmerksamkeit erregen
  • Ideales Geschenk: Ein perfektes Geschenk für Dragon Ball Z Fans, Anime -Sammler und Actionfigur -Enthusiasten
  • Unglaubliches Detail: Von der fließenden Energie bis zum Muskeln von Vegeta zeigt diese Abbildung außergewöhnliche Handwerkskunst
Versand & Lieferung


Wir wissen, dass Ihnen die pünktliche Lieferung Ihrer Einkäufe wichtig ist, und wir sind bestrebt, einen zuverlässigen und problemlosen Lieferservice anzubieten. Wir garantieren, dass alle Bestellungen innerhalb von 3 Werktagen nach dem Kauf bearbeitet und versandt werden. Unsere geschätzte Lieferzeit beträgt zwischen 7 und 15 Tagen, abhängig von Ihrem Standort und der Verfügbarkeit unserer Versandpartner.

USA & Kanada 10-15 Werktage
Deutschland & Großbritannien 5-12 Werktage
Europa 7-15 Werktage
Asien-Pazifik 8-15 Werktage
Australien 8-15 Werktage
Russland 10-16 Werktage


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      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, 45cm from Dragon Ball Z, features interchangeable heads and glowing effects. It depicts Vegeta in a blue and white outfit with orange energy effects against a cosmic backdrop. Blue-haired piece and disembodied hands for transformations are included.
      Three identical Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan figures, wearing blue and orange, feature glowing effects and a dynamic base. This 45cm Dragon Ball Z collectible has interchangeable heads and stands out brilliantly against any black background.
      A black cardboard box features a dynamic abstract design with "LS" and Chinese characters, hinting at a Seakoff Dragon Ball Z collectible. It enhances the allure of the 45cm Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure with interchangeable heads and glowing effects.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure from Dragon Ball Z features a detailed blue and orange outfit. This 45cm figure includes interchangeable heads, glowing effects, and stands on an explosion-like base with flames, capturing Vegeta&
      The Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure by Seakoff features his iconic spiky yellow hair, a dramatic blue outfit, and stands on a detailed base with orange energy effects. It includes interchangeable heads and glowing effects—a must-have 45cm Dragon Ball Z collectible.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure (45cm) features a muscular Vegeta in a blue outfit, spiky blond hair, and rocky base. With interchangeable heads and glowing effects, he stands amid an orange aura, arm extended for a blue energy attack—a must-have Dragon Ball Z piece.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, a 45cm Dragon Ball Z masterpiece, features interchangeable heads and glowing effects. Posed mid-air with spiky black hair and a blue outfit, it&
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure captures a muscular character with spiky black hair in a dynamic pose. Featuring interchangeable heads and glowing effects, the 45cm figure dons a blue suit, white boots, and stands on an intricately detailed base surrounded by flames and energy.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure (45cm) features interchangeable heads and glowing effects, depicting a Dragon Ball Z character with spiky yellow hair and green eyes, posed to attack with a blue energy blast.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, 45cm from Dragon Ball Z, features interchangeable heads and glowing effects. It depicts Vegeta with spiky black hair in a dynamically posed torn blue shirt and white gloves against a stark black background, capturing his Super Saiyan essence.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure from Dragon Ball Z showcases Vegeta in blue pants and white boots amid swirling translucent flames with epic glowing effects, accented by a metallic cannon against a black backdrop. This 45cm figure also features interchangeable heads.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure from Dragon Ball Z, standing 45cm tall, features dynamic posing in a blue outfit with muscular detailing and vibrant glowing energy effects. Interchangeable heads enhance this iconic figure set against a dark background.
      The Seakoff&
      A close-up of the Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure – Dragon Ball Z shows a muscular figure in a blue suit with dynamic yellow and orange glowing effects on the left arm, posed in an action stance. The 45cm figure features interchangeable heads and is set against a black background.
      The Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure captures a detailed leg in a textured blue suit with a tear, revealing inner details, surrounded by orange and yellow flame-like translucent plastic. The dark background highlights its glowing effects and transformation theme. Comes with interchangeable heads.
      A blue-armored figure grips a metallic pipe in this dynamic Seakoff Vegeta Super Saiyan Collectible Figure, featuring 45cm height, interchangeable heads, and glowing effects with translucent orange and yellow flames that evoke Dragon Ball Z&